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MySpace : An Introduction

MySpace : An Introduction
By: Steven Cancel

If you haven't heard of MySpace yet, it is one of the biggest social interacting websites out there today. Over 150 million members and at least 230,000 new registrations a day, MySpace is the place to be. All you have to do is sign up and you are now on to a whole to world of interaction.


After you sign up for MySpace, you will have to describe yourself and explain your interests so other members know stuff about you. There will be an "About Me" section where you basically write about yourself. After filling that out, there will be another self explanatory section labeled "Who I'd Like to Meet". This would be the basics of telling people about your self.

Soon, you will be to the point of where you fill out "Interests" and "Details." Interests is basically what your favorite books, music, televisions shows, and movies are. Details are how old you are, what your occupation is, and many other factual notations that you feel like providing to the internet community.

Don't forget to upload some pictures of yourself either. You wouldn't want people to come to your site and have a default cartoon head in place of where you could have a picture of yourself would you? I'd hope not. You can upload a great amount of photos now and separate them in to albums based on the content of the picture.


Now that your site is up and running, it is time to find some friends. You most likely know someone that has MySpace, so it shouldn't be that difficult. Simply go up to the search function and look for people in your area. You can search your exact area and even your high school graduation year for old and existing friends.


Comments are little messages from friends that appear on your main MySpace page. Only friends on your friend list can post a comment to you. This keeps from random people you don't know from saturating your pages with stuff you might now want on your page.


A bulletin is just what it sounds like. It's a bulletin board that you can write a message on that everyone on your page can see. For example: It is your birthday and you are having a party next week. Post a bulletin on the bulletin board with the date, location, and time of the party, and everyone will know about it. It saves minutes on your phone and some money in the pocket.


There are many MySpace pages of musicians that have their music on their site. Go to the music search to find your favorite band. Add the song that your want on your site to play and wallah! When a person goes to your MySpace, they hear your favorite bands song play.


No one wants a generic white back rounded MySpace page anymore. It would look like you just signed up for MySpace and forgot about it. You have to Customize! Add a backround image that fits your personality. Throw in a visitor counter to see how many people have been visiting your site. You can even make a slideshow of pictures from a recent outing with al your friends. Customizing makes your MySpace stand out from all the others, and I highly recommend doing it.

Now that you know MySpace, you can make your own personal site that is fit for you. Good luck!

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Google's Pay-Per-Clicks

Google's Pay-Per-Clicks Advertising Costs On My Internet Business
By: Ejike Arinze

Before the advent of the wireless technology, advertising was much simpler. The local Newspapers had a field day. Businesses purchased advertisement spaces as much as they could afford. They also had the option of billboards for an extended reach beyond their local terrains. But with the age of the super information highway adverising has changed. With a little fraction of their marketing budget businesses today can reach tens of thousands of customers easily. How? Adwords.

Not too long after the inception of the internet, search engines began. And shortly thereafter, the conglomerate anomaly that we call "google" was born. Google became more than a search engine. And this is about the biggest earning sites on the internet. It only makes sense, then, to consider what a business can earn if its executives choose to advertise with Google. Google has made this easy thanks to their form of advertising with Adwords pay-per-click advertisement.

When a business wants to advertise on Google, they must simply go to the Adwords website and post their ad. They do not pay every time their ad appears, but instead Google charges them each time someone clicks on their ad. So they only pay when customers click. This is very agreeable on every person's part, but the cost of Adwords pay-per-clicks ads had consistently been on the rise: it works. Those who advertise with Google have seen interest and sales increase exponentially, and thus Google is cluing into the fact that they must now charge more simply because people are seeing the benefit of using their site. Thus Google has found a way to make money online simply by just existing.

Ironically, Google's search engine differs little from any other search engine. Their popularity has stemmed from their early success, and as a result, while they may not be the absolute best search engine, they are the most popular. After all, when have you ever heard someone say, "Just Dogpile it"? With Google becoming a household name in the industry. "I googled my name and came up with 2200 hits!"

Essentially, Adwords has worked for everyone in the business. It continues to make Google popular, and it essentially offers free advertising for those who wish to participate since they only pay for the clicks on their ads. Businesses do not pay until they receive a click. Therefore they have their wares exposed to their customers without paying until the customer clicks on their links.

The best thing about Adwords pay-per-click ad, and probably the reason that it continues to rise in cost, lies in Google engineers' genius in narrowing the market for those who advertise on Google. Let's say you have a business that focuses on an online money making guide. When an individual types in "make money online," your business's ad pops up. If the person types in "fried chicken recipes," your ad will not pop up. Only those seeking for your business will see your ad.

Thus we can understand the rising cost of Adwords pay-per-click ads. This is indeed a wonderful system by a popular search engine, and it works. The adwords website has dozens of testimonies by businesses that have grown as a result of advertising with Google. So watch out Daily Times, because Google is taking over the marketing world.

Ironically, this rising cost of Google adwords pay-per-click method of advertising has shut out many a small business concerns and even the very big companies. This is because, it is becoming unnecessarily very expensive to advertise one's wares or products on the net. Keywords in the very competitive markets could go as high as $50 per one and this is worrisome especially if your sales conversion rate is small.

In so far as this paints a gloomy picture for the internet marketer, a secret solution was recently, however stumbled upon. And this of course is FREE adverting, the technicalities of which will be treated next time.


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eBay Explained-Bringing Buyers and Sellers

eBay Explained-Bringing Buyers and Sellers Together
By: Steve Goltiao

Six years ago, the thought of buying a car online was unheard of. But, on August 8th, 2006, eBay announced that its TWO MILLIONTH passenger car had been sold.

In its infancy, eBay was considered more of a “classified ads” or “garage sale” type of portal, where people could trade goods and services with each other. Oh, how times have changed. Today, eBay is the fifth most visited website in the U.S., and provides the basis for the easiest way to make money online. I mean, where else can you start an honest business with absolutely no startup cash?

People around the world spend thousands upon thousands of dollars on eBay each and everyday, looking for everything from cell phone cases to pool tables. And sellers are raking in the profits - everyone from the cream of the crop PowerSellers to the eBay hobbyist. Among them are thousands of people who use eBay to make a full-time income.

eBay Explained: Simply Put

Let’s look at eBay in a more basic sense. Thanks to the wonder of the Internet, eBay provides a platform for anyone to sell an item to anyone in the world. By implementing an auction-style format, sellers benefit by getting a fair market value for their product which is driven by buyers' bids. The buyers benefit as well, often times getting a large discount off of the item's normal retail price. While eBay did start off as a “flea market” type of site, it has now grown to include many successful online businesses today, selling new, brand-name items at drastically reduced prices.

eBay's foundation is built on trust - the trust between buyer and seller. The more trustworthy the eBayer, the better their "reputation". This reputation is quantified as an eBayer's feedback score. Each time you transact business with another eBayer, whether buying or selling, you are given the opportunity to post your feedback of the other party. Generally, the higher the feedback score, the more trust you can put into them when considering doing business with them.

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Yahoo Answers Guidelines

Yahoo Answers Guidelines
By: Dalvin Rumsey

Have you ran out of methods of finding out what you are interested in? Do you still feel puzzled? Well, Yahoo Answers seems to be the perfect solution for you! It has all it takes, in order to provide you with the most various information in more fields that you can ever think of! Therefore, stop wondering about why in the world you would need the Yahoo Answers and get the answers for questions that are too obscure or too difficult to find using a search engine.

The Yahoo Answers works in a very simple way, as the users are the ones to both ask and answer the questions.

Decided to join yet? The first thing you will need to do is getting a Yahoo Account. As soon as you log in, you can simply press the big Ask button at the top of the Yahoo Answers page and you’re in! You may ask any question that bothers you, and should someone have asked the results will appear immediately. Otherwise the answers will come in either to your email, if that suits you best, or you can check back to your Yahoo Answers page to get them.

The most addictive part of Yahoo Answers is answering the questions of other people. Just click on any question that is marked as open or answer this question and you can answer it. You will then be directed to more questions to answer, which can sometimes be very interesting to many of you!

The rating system at Yahoo Answers can be challenging too.

As soon as you start to ask or answer the diverse questions of people around the world, you will surely notice that you have the option to rate the answers. In plain English, an individual can provide feedback to another person, by letting him know if their answer was of any help or not. Thus, one can gain points and climb higher in the Yahoo Answers hierarchy.

Yahoo Answers is more about helping people than any other similar things on the internet. The users must definitely have very good intentions, if they appear to always want to help the others. Otherwise, Yahoo Answers will be another annoying encounter in the worldwide web.

There is no doubt that it cannot possibly cover all the possible fields you might need information for, but, for what it’s worth, Yahoo Answers’ users can easily guide you to a person who can be helpful to you.

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